Thursday, September 3, 2009

On my soapbox about schools and ADHD

I had a meeting with my son's teacher last week and she said some really nice things about him. It's a total change from what I am used to hearing. Sad but true.

The first thing that came out of her mouth was, "Your son is very quiet." My jaw dropped. I have never heard my son's name and the word "quiet" in the same sentence before. I thought at first she was just trying to be pleasant but as we continued to talk I realized that she was being honest about both the good and the bad. It was just so refreshing to have a meeting with a teacher that seemed vibrant and happy to be teaching. She is a new teacher and has only been teaching for a few years and I think that's exactly what he needs. He needs a teacher that is excited to come to work. A teacher that still believes she can make a difference. The past few teachers he has had have been very grumpy and each time I spoke with them they seemed exasperated and overwhelmed. I think they were burned out. I can't say I blame them. I know teaching has got to be a thankless job, but they chose it and I feel if they are not up to the challenge anymore they should move on or retire.

These children our are future and they deserve teachers that want to make a difference, not teachers that behave like they are serving a life sentence! Just my opinion anyway. Take it or leave it.

I heard the same complaints from his teacher that I have heard from all previous teachers. Can't focus. Won't pay attention. Doesn't follow directions. And all I have to say to that is...typical ADHD. The problem I encounter however is the desire to change these behaviors. If this were possible he wouldn't have ADHD. ADHD isn't something you cure, it's something you have to work around. It's my opinion that the schools are not willing to accept the responsibility. It's an invisible disorder and it isn't taken seriously. If they encountered a child in a wheelchair they wouldn't say, "We want him to walk. It's just not fair to the other kids." Everyone is ALWAYS looking out for the nuerotypical kid. When are they going to start looking out for the children that actually need the help?