Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why I'm Doing The Elimination Diet?

It's working! It's working!

Okay, so to make a long story short I have been suffering from chronic sinus infections, asthma, and allergies for the whole of my 32 years. The asthma and allergies were under some control, but even then I was suffering from a sinus infection that just wouldn't go away. Sure, I'd see the doctor, he'd give me a prescription for an antibiotic, Zyrtec D and Nasonex and send me on my way.

The infection would clear up. I'd stop using the Nasonex, because HELLO, without any health coverage that stuff is $80.00 for a 30 day supply and I just can't afford that! And before you know it I was back at square one with a terrible sinus infection and since I live on a very meager income I'd put off seeing the doctor for a couple of months just trying to fight the symptoms. Then, I'd go back and we'd go another round of antibiotics. He'd fuss at me for smoking even though I quit THREE YEARS AGO and then he'd send me on my un-merry way.

He finally sent me to an allergist and guess what...The allergist did the same damn thing as my primary doctor!

This last time I went to see my doctor was because my sinus infection had gotten so bad I was literally deaf in one ear. I'm serious, it was so clogged that I couldn't hear out of it. And what was worse was the oozy goo that would seep from my ear. It was like liquid ear wax and it would drain my ear and dry into this terrible crust while I slept. I went back to the doctor and we did the same ole same ole. Antibiotics, Nasonex and Zyrtec D.

Folks, all I got from this round of antibiotics was a severe vaginal yeast infection and a month long bout of diarrhea! And I still couldn't hear. My doctor said if this didn't do the trick he wanted to see back in his office and he would refer me to an ENT, Ear Nose and Throat doctor. I have cried so many times because I couldn't even afford the follow up visit. My car broke down, my washing machine broke, even my DOG broke down. The dog alone ended up costing me $400 for emergency surgery to correct an umbilical hernia that was threatening to rupture without treatment.

I know I sound like a bad country song. But things just started breaking left and right. I thought the universe had it out for me. I've had a really tough year and battled some very personal issues some of which I am still battling, but that's a story for another time.

I know I said I'd make this long story short, but I guess what I meant to say is I can make a long story even longer.

So to get to the point! I was reading ome of my favorite forums when a girl on there mentioned curing her asthma and another girl piped in saying she had done the same. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.I decided I would ask the girl how she "cured" her asthma. She was very vague in her response, but did offer that she had searched the internet and purchased some books and it came down to taking some daily supplements. I was amazed. I decided since I had little money of my own that I would do my researching at the local library. That is where I happened upon the Sinus Relief Now book.

Stay tuned...